At the end of Season Three of Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous, the camp fam set sail into the vast unknown in search of rescue from Isla Nublar and the fallen Jurassic World theme park. With only a compass to lead the way and Kenji at the helm, the six kids set out to rescue themselves with a ship left behind by Season Two's villains, Mitch and Tiff. Nothing yet has been revealed about where these kids will call their next port, but I'm sure they are intent on making it to mainland Costa Rica... but will they actually make it there? There are a lot of variables in the mix, so let's take a look at some of the routes our camp fam may take on the way home.
Costa Rica
Isla Nublar lies 120 miles West of the mainland, so with enough luck and fuel, the kids of Camp Cretaceous certainly hope to make it to Costa Rica. It's their salvation. In the canonical timeline of Jurassic World, the campers set off of Nublar about six months after the events of Jurassic World, which means the hangar at the end of the 2015 film would no longer be ground zero for rescue operations. After six months of no rescue, it seems as though no one is looking for the lost children anymore. Hopefully they can find safety with the authorities or someone that may have heard about the missing kids from the Jurassic World incident. This outcome is their safest sanctuary. It's the ultimate goal.
There is one issue with this goal - what is on the boat? We certainly heard what seems to be a dinosaur within the cabin, so our campers could be responsible for a dinosaur loose in Costa Rica. It could make for an interesting tie to the original Jurassic Park novel with loads of reports of small lizards harming people around the coast. Ultimately, would one dino lost on the coast of Costa Rica be all that interesting? Depending on what the dino is, it could be... but I think there are better alternatives.
Back to Nublar
This option is certainly the least interesting of the bunch. With the kids setting out for a hopeful future, having them backtrack to Isla Nublar would be a huge step backwards for the show. We've already spent three seasons trying to escape the island, so setting course for somewhere new is the best option. Of course there are still plenty of unexplored sections of the island, but it feels like it's time for a change of scenery.
The Mosasaurus
At this point in the franchise timeline, the events at the beginning of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom have occurred, which means that the Mosasaurus has escaped into open water. Our camp fam set out on the open seas, hoping to head to safety, but what if something got in their way? It's highly possibly that along their trip towards the mainland, they encounter the Mosasaurus. This outcome could be utterly dire for our campers, as the Mosasaurus outsizes their yacht and could capsize them in an instant. While nothing too drastic will happen to our core group, I wonder if this encounter sets them off-course... potentially to another island.
Isla Sorna
The campers set sail with hopes of floating eastward towards mainland Costa Rica... but what if they went the wrong way? The Mosasaurus could be the perfect catalyst for them charting the wrong course, but it's already been hinted at that they could easily lose their way. During Season Three, Kenji couldn’t figure out how to use the compass that they picked up from his dad's penthouse, so who's to say he won't get turned around again. Isla Sorna is one island in the Five Deaths island chain, 87 miles West of Isla Nublar - 207 Miles West of Costa Rica. If they hit Sorna, they are heading in the wrong direction. The wrong direction for the kids, could be the correct direction for the show. Let's consider all Isla Sorna has to offer.
The island originally seen in The Lost World: Jurassic Park and further in Jurassic Park III could be the answer many secrets this franchise holds. It's an island shrouded in mystery and potentially even lies. As we've been told, Isla Sorna is supposedly vacant. The Dinosaur Protection Group website repeatedly mentions the animals being shipped from Sorna to Nublar to populate Jurassic World as the park was building up operations, but also for the well-being of the creatures on an ever growing mysterious island. Did they move all the animals? That's to be foreseen, but at this point it seems unlikely.
One animal that could still be roaming Isla Sorna is the formidable Spinosaurus. The Spinosaurus could hold the key to the origin of hybrid dinosaur testing, giving the kids something to solve. The Spino's story was unresolved in Jurassic Park III, so it would be welcoming to see what happened after Paul Kirby sent a flare hurdling towards the vicious creature, setting the lagoon ablaze. According to the DPG, the dinosaur could be the reason for decreasing population and well being of other species throughout the island, so is it alone or does it have any island-mates?
There's also the possibility of animals lurking around old research facilities or creating nests near the coast lines - the Velociraptors of Isla Sorna. We have seen three variations of Velociraptor on the island - the male Tiger raptors of The Lost World and the white females and quilled males of Jurassic Park III. It seems doubtful that these variants would have been killed off by the Spinosaurus or shipped to Isla Nublar for the park opening, so the opportunity still exists for the raptors to be alive on the island. It would be wonderful if the campers stumbled upon the answers regarding why there are so many variants of raptor.
One problem with heading to Isla Sorna is how similar it looks to Isla Nublar now. The campers lived for months at their fallen Camp Cretaceous tree house, which was set among Redwood style trees, a look synonymous with Isla Sorna. At this point, how would Dreamworks Animation distinguish these two islands, as to make it seem like they are not just back on Nublar?
Let's further consider the Camp Cretaceous crew's current situation with a stowaway on board. It sounds like a dinosaur locked in the onboard cabin and I've heard speculation on everything from a young Scorpios, to a Troodon, a Baryonyx and Hap, the mercenary from Season Two. I do like to consider the dino on board to be a baby Velociraptor, bred directly from Velociraptor Blue due to parthenogenesis. It's been alluded to in the Jurassic World Aftermath VR game that Blue may have been able to reproduce asexually, so this could be a fun way to further that concept see in Jurassic Park and in Season Three of Camp Cretaceous with the second Scorpios Rex. Anyway, that's all besides the point, because a dinosaur is on this boat and it will have consequences.
Does the dinosaur on board force them to turn back towards Nublar? Will it sidetrack them to a different island? Does it somehow signal the Mosasaurus toward their yacht? Will this dino cause mischief on the mainland? Pretty much all options are on the table when you have a dinosaur on board, but ultimately I hope it becomes the next Bumpy. Season Three seemingly gave us a send-off for our favorite young Ankylosaurus (until the future, we hope), so we could use another fun dino side-kick. If it's a sweet young dinosaur, then maybe our camper friends won't get too sidetracked, but will still need to deal with the consequences once they arrive at their final destination.
Mantah Corp
Our final option sends the campers directly into the hands of the enemy. Mantah Corp have been on the peripherals of the Camp Cretaceous story from the beginning. We've seen their drone pop up in Season One and in Season Three, plus we've heard their stories and connections. So when do we actually see Mantah Corp play a larger role? From what has been relayed within the series, it sounds like Mantah Corp have been in the shadows from the very beginning - even before Jurassic Park. Mantah Corp have wanted dinosaurs since before Wu made the first cloned creature, so we know they are dead-set on getting the DNA or better yet, some dinosaurs themselves.
From the previously outlined concepts, there could be a few results here for Mantah Corp. If our camp fam does encounter a Mosasaurus in the ocean and needs rescue, who better than Mantah Corp? There's also the chance of Mantah Corp setting up shop at a nearby island - Isla Sorna anyone? The team from Mantah Corp has to be close to Nublar, as they sent drones on recon missions to grab data and spy on the dinosaur activity. Sorna would give them a great base of operations. Let's say that Mantah Corp doesn't have the means currently to transport big dinosaurs off the islands, but they could have the capability of smuggling something small, a baby perhaps? I think Mantah Corp has to play a big role in Season Four and I'd love to see it all play out on Isla Sorna.
What do you think? Are there any other alternatives that interest you? The kids from Camp Cretaceous certainly will have an adventure ahead of them in Season Four and I can't wait to see how it all plays out. I'd love to hear from you in the comments below.